Access to Electrical Substations & Switchrooms
This course is aimed for electrical/non-electrical persons with no experience of electrical power systems, who require restricted authorisation to allow access to areas containing high voltage electrical apparatus with a view to undertaking specific duties.

Introduction to the Safe Operation of High Voltage Power Systems (Limited HV Authorisation)
This course is aimed for electrical/non-electrical personnel with a basic level of electrical knowledge who are required to carry out restricted HV switching operations with limited safety document issuing responsibilities up to and including 15kV.

Refresher Training in the Safe Operation of High Voltage Power Systems (Limited HV Authorisation)
This course is for electrical/non-electrical personnel with a basic level of electrical knowledge who are required to carry out restricted HV switching operations with limited safety document issuing responsibilities up to and including 15kV.

The Safe Operation of High Voltage Power Systems (Full HV Authorisation)
This course is for electrical personnel with a good foundation level of electrical knowledge who are required to carry out advanced HV switching operations and safety document issuing responsibilities up to and including 15kV.

Refresher Training in the Safe Operation of High Voltage Power Systems (Full HV Authorisation)
This course is for electrical personnel with considerable experience in carrying out advanced HV switching operations and safety document issuing responsibilities up to and including 15kV.

Practical Introduction to the Safe Operation of High & Low Voltage Switchgear
This course is suitable for personnel who require practical (hands-on) experience of switching and issuing of safety documents on high and low voltage power systems up to and including 15kV.

33kV Upgrade Course (Indoor Equipment)
This course is designed for personnel who have previous authorisation up to 15kV, who wish to extend their authorisation level to enable them to operate on (indoor) 33kV systems. The course focuses on the practical element of switching and is predominantly workshop based. This course should be undertaken as an augmentation to the S4 (or similar) full authorisation course.

HV Cable Termination & Jointing
This course is suitable for electrical engineers/technicians responsible for carrying out or supervising high voltage terminating or jointing.

Cable Identification & Spiking
This course is designed for electrical personnel responsible for identification/spiking and proving dead of HV power cables.