Mike Frain of Electrical Safety UK, speaks on behalf of Dupont ™ at SABIC Arc Flash Workshop in Jubail, Saudi Arabia 13th Oct 2012. SABIC is the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the top six petrochemical companies in the world, and the largest and most reliably profitable public company in the Middle East.
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Standards for Electrical Test Instruments and Test Leads
Test instruments and test leads are a temporary connection to electrical systems, often live at the time, for the purpose of making measurements.
Electrical Safety news

BS 7671 2022 Updates – Changes To The Wiring Regulations
The second amendment to the 18th Edition IET Wiring Regulations are out, and all of the IET Guidance Notes have been updated accordingly. Electricians and engineers have had time to digest every minute detail and discuss the implications at length.
Electrical Safety news

Electrical Safety Management System – Electrical Safety Policy
One question we are often asked is, what should an ESMS contain? has prompted me to write a series of articles looking at the different aspects of this vital policy document ESMS. Here is the first article in that series