About Ultra Electronics
Ultra Electronics is a group of businesses which manages a portfolio of specialist capabilities, generating highly-differentiated solutions and products in the DEFENCE, AEROSPACE, SECURITY, CYBER, TRANSPORT and ENERGY markets, by applying electronic and software technologies in demanding and critical environments. Ultra Electronics at Weymouth operates three laboratories which are used for development purposes in the manufacture of sonar systems.
The main motivation for requiring input from Electrical Safety (UK) was that Ultra Electronics are now beginning to undertake system commissioning activities on equipment which is fed from standard industrial 415V 3-phase supplies.
Ultra Electronics believed they had good engineering practices, but that they would greatly benefit from some objective advice on whether their current working practices were suitable in terms of managing the electrical risks when working with hazardous voltages and discuss the means for possible mitigation.
Electrical Safety UK Ltd carried out a full site and systems assessment, providing documented guidance and recommendations.
- Visit and observe work practices in all laboratories
- Hazard identification
- Risk control measures
- Review meeting & gap report
Peter Greenwood, Assistant Senior Engineer for Ultra Electronics said
“We had a very useful day with ESUK, and we covered a lot of ground which helped fill in the gaps in our understanding of the safety issues surrounding our work with 3-phase power systems in our engineering labs. It was also very useful to get an objective independent view of our general approach to working safely within the lab areas.”