About Wessex Water
Wessex Water initially contacted Electrical Safety UK with a need for the initial training 300 of the Wessex Water employees in their existing Safety Rules in various locations across the UK. The courses would consist of a variety of different candidates working to the same safety rules in different situations and instances from Managers, Engineers, Electricians and Electrical/Mechanical workers.
Electrical Safety UK Ltd were contracted to create a bespoke and universal training program to specifically suit Wessex Water Safety Rules and its employees.
Wessex Water created a new set of electrical and mechanical safety rules which would be personally issued in a compact form to their Engineers. Electrical Safety UK Limited put together a bespoke and universal training program to specifically suit Wessex Water Safety Rules and its employees. The sessions covered the practical application of the rules as well as the hazards and effects of electricity, risk assessments, isolation practices, LOTO, permits and good practices in energised diagnostic testing.
David Lyons, Senior Electrical Engineer for Wessex Water said;
“By delivering the courses in a very practical way, Electrical Safety UK Ltd have helped us in a very important part of the implementation of our new Mechanical & Electrical Safety Rules. The feedback that I have received from individual candidates has been excellent and would like to thank Electrical Safety UK Ltd for their advice and for designing & delivering the courses.”