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Electrical Safety news

How to Troubleshoot Circuit Breaker Problems: A Step-by-Step Guide
So, what is a circuit breaker and why do we need them? If they keep tripping then surely they are the problem and we need to get rid of them?
Electrical Safety news

Ensuring Safety Through Electrical Isolation and Immobilisation: A Comprehensive Approach
The safety of personnel working with electrical systems is of utmost importance. At Electrical Safety UK, we have developed a robust procedure to ensure that electrical isolation and immobilisation are conducted effectively, minimising risks and safeguarding your workforce.
Electrical Safety news

Ensuring Electrical Safety in Ground Excavation
This the 6th article, in my series of articles, describing what could be included in your Electrical Safety Management System.
Electrical Safety news

Enhancing Electrical Safety at PD Ports: A Dedicated Approach
PD Ports, one of the UK’s major port groups, operates at 12 locations nationwide. As critical hubs in the global supply chain, ports like PD Ports play a pivotal role in ensuring these complex environments’ smooth and safe operation. PD Ports is committed to maintaining high safety and efficiency standards in its operations.
Arc Flash news

Marine Electrical Safety
Safety at sea is paramount given the need to be self-sufficient at sea for much of the time, and one critical aspect often overlooked is the risk of arc flash incidents in ship electrical panels.
Arc Flash news

Working on or Near Live Electrical Systems
Working on or near live electrical systems is a rare safety-critical task that demands the utmost caution and adherence to safety protocols. Understanding the risks and implementing proper safety measures is essential to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.
Information news

Celebrating 20 years of Excellence in Electrical Safety and Training
This year marks a significant milestone for our Electrical Safety UK Limited as we celebrate 20 years of dedicated service and unwavering commitment to providing a Holistic Approach to Electrical Safety. From humble beginnings to becoming a trusted name in the industry, our journey has been driven by a passion for safety, innovation, and continuous improvement.
Arc Flash news

The Critical Need for Arc Flash Studies in Facilities Management
In the fast-paced world of facilities management, ensuring the safety of both Personnel and infrastructure is paramount. One of the most critical aspects often overlooked is the danger of arc flash incidents. An arc flash is a sudden, explosive release of energy caused by an electrical fault. It can result in severe injuries, equipment damage, and even fatalities. For facilities managers, conducting an arc flash study is not just a regulatory compliance issue but a vital safety measure that can prevent catastrophic consequences.
Arc Flash news

Enhancing Safety: Arc Flash Risk Management in Battery Storage Facilities
Battery storage facilities are pivotal in the transition to renewable energy, but they come with inherent risks, particularly the threat of arc flash incidents. Arc flashes can cause severe injuries, costly damage, and operational downtime. Implementing robust arc flash risk management strategies is crucial for ensuring safety and reliability in these facilities. This blog will explore the significance of arc flash risk management and outline effective measures to mitigate these risks.
Arc Flash news

Managing Arc Flash Risk in Data Centres: A Vital Safety Imperative
In today’s data-driven world, data centres are the backbone of every major industry, housing critical IT infrastructure that supports operations and services. While the focus often lies on cybersecurity and network uptime, another equally crucial aspect demands attention: arc flash risk management. Arc flashes are sudden, explosive releases of energy caused by an electrical fault, and they pose a significant danger to personnel and equipment in data centres. Here’s why effective arc flash risk management is essential and how it can be implemented.
Electrical Safety news

Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles: Managing Fire Risks and Ensuring Safety
Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion) are revolutionising the automotive industry by powering electric vehicles (EVs), offering high energy density, lightweight design, and sustainable mobility solutions. However, alongside their benefits, understanding and mitigating the fire risks associated with these batteries is crucial for ensuring the safety of EVs and their passengers. These vehicles, under certain conditions, can pose fire risks due to a phenomenon known as thermal runaway.
Electrical Safety news

Battery Storage Systems: Powering the UK’s Renewable Future
The world is undergoing a significant shift towards renewable energy sources, and battery storage systems are playing a pivotal role in this transition. In the UK, these systems are crucial for achieving a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.
Information news

A Brighter Year Awaits with ESUK: Unparalleled Safety, Unwavering Commitment
As we bid farewell to a year of resilience and adaptation, the Team at ESUK is brimming with excitement for what lies ahead. This past year, despite unforeseen challenges navigating the exit of Covid restrictions, we achieved remarkable milestones, surpassing our Q1 goals and securing partnerships with leading players in the renewables industry.
Electrical Safety news

Authorisation of Electrical Personnel
The purpose of an Authorisation of Electrical Personnel Procedure is to describe the general procedures and methods that should be adopted to ensure that all Electrical personnel who carry out work on Electrical Distribution Systems or equipment connected to them are, and continue to be, competent to carry out the duties of their role.
Arc Flash news

Why do Arc Flash Calculations
We often get asked, why do arc flash studies matter when there are no prescriptive standards in place in the United Kingdom? Well, one good reason is, the majority of things that we would need to do when carrying out an arc flash study, are things we should have been doing for years before AF studies were even thought about.
Electrical Safety news

Management of Ageing and Obsolete Electrical Equipment
The purpose of a Management of Ageing and Obsolete Electrical Equipment Procedure is to set out how the ageing and obsolescence of electrical equipment should be managed within your business or site. The procedure should provide a proactive system for managing specific ageing and obsolete electrical assets.
Electrical Safety news

Earthing Systems Design and Maintenance
Earthing is defined in BS 7671 as the connection of exposed conductive parts of an installation to the main earthing terminal of that installation. Whilst this may be a useful definition, it does not fully encompass the full meaning of earthing, bonding and automatic disconnection of supply.
Arc Flash news

Arc Flash Risks could exist within Hospitals and Health service environments
Electrical Safety UK has been privileged to work extensively in most sectors, including the health services, and are experts in managing arc flash hazards.
Electrical Safety news

Electrical Safety in The Water Industries – Some Key Areas of Concern
Electrical Safety UK services to the water industry have included writing electrical safety rules and supporting procedures for household name companies and training 1000s of direct staff and contractors, including designing and delivering competence assessments.
Information news

Arc Flash Conference 2023 – A huge success!
On Tuesday, 25th April 2023, we hosted a successful conference on Arc Flash, understanding global standards. The conference featured eminent industry experts who shared their knowledge and insights on the topic, including Jim Phillips, Mike Frain, and Paul Hopton. The attendees were from a diverse range of sectors, indicating the widespread interest in the topic.
Arc Flash news

Electrical Safety and Arc Flash Risk within The Rail Industry
The electrical risks within the rail industry are frequently underestimated, as is the broader network supporting the rail sector, we see around us. The danger is never far away, as many lines are electrified with overhead gantries carrying 25,000 volts a.c., and the innocent looking third rail at ground level that allows 750 volts d.c.
Arc Flash news

Solar Farms
Electrical Safety UK have helped many companies in different industries in a number of locations around the World to improve their electrical safety management systems. In this article we are going to focus on Solar Farms and discuss whether there any hazards that may be specific to that industry.
Arc Flash news

Arc Fault Detection Devices (AFDDs)
The advent of the 18th Edition IET Wiring Regulations (BS 7671:2018) saw the introduction of Arc Fault Detection Devices, to which people quickly recognised that the requirement was a recommendation only which in many cases led to the requirement being largely ignored. As Amendment 2 of BS 7671 came into force this year, that original recommendation changed- in some instances, with it remaining a recommendation in many cases.
Arc Flash news

Electrical Safety Management System – Arc Flash
One question we are often asked is, what should an ESMS contain? This has prompted me to write a series of articles looking at the different aspects of these vital documents. Here is the third article in that series.
Electrical Safety news

What Are Electrical Hazards?
Electricity is a hazard, as it is dangerous and may cause harm. If properly managed, the likelihood of electrical hazards is minimal, but the severity when things go wrong can be fatality or life-changing.
Arc Flash news

The Importance Of Data Collection For Arc Flash Analysis
Arc flash PPE has become the default control measure and within the United States, until recently, was the prescribed control measure. However, within the UK and within Europe, this is not the case and legally (through Regulation 4 and Schedule 1 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Re …
Arc Flash news

Do I Have To Wear Arc Flash PPE?
Arc flash PPE has become the default control measure and within the United States, until recently, was the prescribed control measure. However, within the UK and within Europe, this is not the case and legally (through Regulation 4 and Schedule 1 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Re …
Arc Flash news

Arc Flash Protection – PPE For Electrical Professionals
We specialise in providing electrical PPE, safety knowledge, equipment, and training for hazards such as arc flash. An important aspect of protecting electrical professionals is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety hazards.
Arc Flash news

Arc Flash Legislative Requirements And The Role Of Electrical Duty Holders
Is Arc Flash a UK Legislative Requirement? Electrical Safety UK specialises in carrying our arc flash studies for our many clients. One of the things that come up regularly is the question of legislation and whether or not arc flash risk management is required under UK law. The short answer is yes.
Electrical Safety news

Who Can Enter An Electrical Control Panel?
This is often a question we get asked, and in many cases, our reply is, ‘why do people need to go into an electrical control panel’? Demands on maintenance and service engineers often means that there is a lack of available competent persons who can react quickly when things stop working.
Electrical Safety news

Electrical Safety Management System – Electrical Safety Rules
We are often asked, what an ESMS should contain. This question has prompted me to write a series of articles looking at the different aspects of these vital documents. Here is the second article in that series.
Electrical Safety news

The Design Of Electrical Installations- Low Voltage (LV) BS 7671:2018+A2:2022
The answer is both yes and no. Regulation 4(1) of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 states, ‘all systems shall at all times be of such construction to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, danger’. In this instance, the term construction refers to an electrical system’s design, construction, and operation, including equipment that forms part of that system.
Arc Flash news

2018 IEEE 1584 Update – Introduction To The Changes
The Second Edition of IEEE 1584 – IEEE Guide for Arc Flash Hazard Calculations Studies was 16 years in the making. In this 1-hour video, Vice-Chair of IEEE 1584, Jim Phillips takes you through the long history of what it took to develop the next edition including establishing a collaboration between IEEE and NFPA, creating a project team for the almost 2000 new arc flash tests, model and equation development and more.
Arc Flash news

Is Carrying Out An Arc Flash Study A Legal Requirement In The UK?
The simple answer is yes. By virtue of Regulation 4(1) of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and Regulation 3(1) of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the need to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment of risk and to put measures in place to protect those who could be put at risk is mandated.
Arc Flash news

Distribution Network Operator Calculated Fault Level Requests
In order that we can accurately carry out an Arc Flash Study on a client’s electrical installation we require the calculated prospective fault level at the point of connection with the Distribution Network Operator (DNO).
Arc Flash news

What Is An Arc Flash Study?
Principal Electrical Engineer, Paul Hopton, explores the process of identifying Arc Flash risk, how Incident Energy is calculated, and what is entailed within the Arc Flash Study itself, and so much more.
Arc Flash news

Arc Flash Personal Protective Equipment Ratings Explained
Principal Electrical Engineer, Paul Hopton, explains Arc Flash personal protective equipment ratings.
Arc Flash news

Arc Flash Hazard Control Measures
The best and most often used control measure to protect personnel from arc flash is to isolate the equipment before you work on it.
Arc Flash news

Arc Flash Training; What Is Required & What Does Good Look Like?
Andy Linley, Compliance Director at Electrical Safety UK Ltd, discusses Arc Flash training; the legislative requirements behind it and what good training should encompass.
Arc Flash news

Arc Flash Risk In Batteries
Arc Flash risk associated with alternating current systems has been well studied and is becoming better understood. People have become familiar with the increased incident energy levels generally associated with Low Voltage, and less frequently associate Arc Flash as a high voltage problem.
Arc Flash news

Arc Flash Risk In Wind Turbine Renewables?
Deputy MD, Paul Hopton, outlines the additional considerations in a wind turbine environment and highlights the potential consequences of arc flash incidents.
Arc Flash news

Arc Flash Protection Boundary Distances
Compliance Director, Andy Linley, discusses Arc Flash Boundary distances, what they are and factors affecting them.
Arc Flash news

When Is Arc Flash Protection Required?
Paul Hopton, Deputy Managing Director and Principal Electrical Consultant, discusses when Arc Flash Protection is required, carrying out Risk Assessments to determine the requirement and suitable competency of those involved.
Electrical Safety news

Electrical Risk Increases
In the past nearly all large industrial sites would have at least one chartered or degree qualified electrical engineer on the staff.
Electrical Safety news

The Basics Of Electrical Control Panels
What is an electrical control panel? An electrical control panel is an enclosure, typically a metal box or plastic moulding which contains important electrical components that control and monitor a number of mechanical processes.
Electrical Safety news

Warm Weather Advice
As most of Britain enjoys an unseasonably warm summer, many of us are forced to suffer the torture of heat whilst at work.
Electrical Safety news

BS7671:2018 – The 18th Edition
How much change is there between the 17th Edition and the latest updates of BS 7671 to the 18th Edition? How much will it affect you and your business?
Electrical Safety news

Common Risk Factors When Working With Electricity
People often underestimate the risks that simple factors play in electrical safety, from missing bolts in panel doors, un-blanked openings, corroded enclosures and ingress of liquids or dust. We explore some of the most common hazards below:
Electrical Safety news

The 18th Edition…Time To Think About Training?
The 18th Edition has been with us now for 9 months and since January has been the defacto standard to which all electrical installation work should comply. For those who have remained abreast of amendments 1, 2 and 3 of the 17th Edition, the 18th Edition and its changes should pose little concern.
Electrical Safety news

Jim Phillips, PE, Founder Of Brainfiller.Com, Associate Director Of ESUK And Vice-Chair Of IEEE 1584 Discusses What’s Changed In The 2018 Edition Of IEEE 1584
The Greek Philosopher Heraclitus is credited with the phrase “The only thing that is constant is change.” That is certainly the case with the new 2018 Edition of IEEE 1584 ‘IEEE Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations’. Almost everything has changed – except the title! The first edition of IEEE 1584 was published on September 23, 2002
Electrical Safety news

When Switching Off Is Not Enough
By Andy Linley, Compliance Director
This week I worked with a site engineer in isolating a supply to a section board. All went well with identifying the place of work and the point of isolation, along with obtaining permission to isolate.
Electrical Safety news

COVID-19 & Free Electrical Safety Desktop Audit
Globally, Coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting the lives of many businesses and individuals. Employers are implementing policies and procedures never seen before to help ensure businesses survive. These are trying times, but the usual bulldog British spirit is already shining through.
Electrical Safety news

What Is An Electrical Duty Holder?
Coming into force on the 1st April 1990 Regulation 3 of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 introduced the term ‘Duty Holder’, or more specifically ‘persons on whom duties are imposed’. The introduction to HSE publication HSR 25: Electricity at Work Regulations 1989; Guidance on the Regulations clarifies in paragraph 5 that ‘[t]he guidance is primarily for duty holders (including those involved in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of electrical systems and equipment), engineers, technicians and their managers’.
Electrical Safety news

The Risks In Underestimating The Danger Electricity Poses In The Workplace
The statistics are out for period 2017-2018 relating to fatalities reported to the Health and Safety Executive. The good news is that only two fatalities occurred as a result of coming into contact with electrical energy, one was an employee and the other was self-employed. This represents 1.4% of the total reportable workplace fatalities.
Electrical Safety news

Why Is Electrical Safety Important?
You cannot smell, hear, or see electricity, so making sure you have the right systems in place to manage this hazardous energy is critical to the wellbeing of your employees and your Company.
Electrical Safety news

PAT Testing Frequency: How Often Should Electrical Equipment Be Tested In The Workplace?
A question that is often asked is how often should my electrical equipment be tested at work? Often referred to as PAT Testing (which in itself is incorrect as it becomes Portable Appliance Testing- Testing) the In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment is required by regulation 4(2) of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. The regulation requires equipment that may become dangerous if neglected to be maintained to prevent such danger from arising. HSR 25, Guidance on the Regulations identifies inspection and testing as being a means of verifying that maintenance is effective, but recognises that other methods of compliance do exist.
Electrical Safety news

What is DSEAR?
DSEAR stands for Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations. It is important to learn about DSEAR in the workplace to identify serious hazards and know how to assess the risk involved.
Electrical Safety news

Safe Isolation Procedure For Electrical Isolations
Switching off the supply of electricity to allow for safe working is legally mandated, with work on or near to live electrical systems permitted in exceptional circumstances only. Electrical isolation consists of two clear stages: switching off the supply and proving dead. It is important you follow a safe isolation procedure.
Electrical Safety news

Is BS 7671 Statutory?
BS 7671:2018+A1:2020 is a non-statutory document based on technical substance of European CENELEC agreements, and is published by the British Standards Institute under the joint direction of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and British Electrotechnical Committee (BEC).
Electrical Safety news

Understanding Electrical Inspection And Testing
Inspection and testing can refer to many different situations at all voltage levels. This blog focuses on electrical safety inspection and testing in relation to low voltage systems and includes requirements for electrical installations and also the in-service inspection and testing of electrical equipment.
Electrical Safety news

How To Put Out An Electrical Fire
The best way of dealing with an electrical fire, or more correctly a fire of electrical origin, is to prevent one from occurring in the first place. The cost of correct design, installation and maintenance is minimal when considering the cost of dealing with the aftermath of a fire:- loss of production, temporarily having to rehouse and the potential for loss of life.
Electrical Safety news

Earthing And Bonding 101
The term earthing and bonding for many people often causes confusion, and in some cases a lack of understanding can lead to a very unsafe condition arising. Except in a couple of specific situations where earthing is required for equipment to function correctly, earthing and bonding may seem like an unnecessary effort and expense: after all, equipment will still work without earthing or bonding being in place.
Electrical Safety news

What Happens To Electrical Safety Management Systems When Companies Are Taken Over Or Merge?
By Paul Hopton BEng CEng (Hons) MIET – Principal Electrical Consultant Director
Electrical Safety news

Electric Vehicles And Arc Flash
Test instruments and test leads are a temporary connection to electrical systems, often live at the time, for the purpose of making measurements to establish or confirm various parameters. Andrew Linley, Compliance Director at Electrical Safety UK Ltd looks at some of the standards that exist that we must comply with and that we should take into consideration whilst undertaking measurement tasks using test instruments.
Arc Flash news

Arc Flash And Electrical Safety FAQ
By: Jim Phillips, P.E. Founder: and Associate Director: Electrical Safety UK, Ltd.
Electrical Safety news

Update To NFPA 70E 2021
ESUK Compliance Director, Andy Linley, reviews the changes to the NFPA 70E 2021 standard.
Electrical Safety news

What Is An Electrical Safety Management System?
Principal Consultant, Paul Hopton, answers below.
Electrical Safety news

What Are The Benefits Of Bespoke Training?
“Was this person competent to do that job?” This is the question that could be levelled at any Duty Holder if an electrical incident occurs. When stood in the dock of a courtroom is not the time to consider the meaning of this question.
Electrical Safety news

BS7671 Amendment 2 – What Do We Think Will Change?
Compliance Director, Andrew Linley, discusses the possible changes being released through Amendment 2 to BS 7671.
Arc Flash news

Electric Vehicles And Arc Flash
In an ever-growing world of sustainable environmental vehicle solutions, Principal Electrical Consultant Paul Hopton discusses the risk of Arc Flash when working with batteries installed in Electric Vehicles. Concerns of Competency for mechanics required to work on these systems, the types of activities that could cause an electrical incident, and what can be done to mitigate risk.
Electrical Safety news

SPA Core Construction
Many people work within the UK Construction Industry some at a technical level and others at a labourer level, with every person hour making a significant difference to the UK economy.
Electrical Safety news

Electrical Safety Management System – Electrical Safety Policy
One question we are often asked is, what should an ESMS contain? has prompted me to write a series of articles looking at the different aspects of this vital policy document ESMS. Here is the first article in that series
Electrical Safety news

BS 7671 2022 Updates – Changes To The Wiring Regulations
The second amendment to the 18th Edition IET Wiring Regulations are out, and all of the IET Guidance Notes have been updated accordingly. Electricians and engineers have had time to digest every minute detail and discuss the implications at length.
Electrical Safety news

Standards for Electrical Test Instruments and Test Leads
Test instruments and test leads are a temporary connection to electrical systems, often live at the time, for the purpose of making measurements.
Information news

ESUK Congratulate Paul Hopton On Appointment Of Deputy Managing Director
The Board of Directors at Electrical Safety UK Limited are pleased to announce the promotion and appointment of Paul Hopton, BEng CEng (Hons) MIET, as Deputy Managing Director.
Information news

Happy New Year – A Word From Our Managing Director
Firstly we’d like to wish a very Happy New Year to all our customers, partners, suppliers, and colleagues. From what has been an extremely difficult year for all in the world to what is seeming like another challenging few months ahead.
Information news

Cash For Kids – Mission Christmas
The wonderful team at Electrical Safety UK Limited has been having a think about…. Christmas…. (There I said it! Even though its only November) but it’s for a good reason.
Information news

What Training Do You Have In Place For Your Staff During The Next Lockdown?
As we enter the second lockdown in the UK a lot of our clients still require essential training sessions. We have been working ever more closely with our clients and have successfully been able to provide solutions to ensure training can continue.
Information news

Jim Phillips, P.E. Receives Two Prestigious Awards From IEEE PCIC
Jim Phillips, founder of and Associate Director of Electrical Safety (UK) Ltd. recently received TWO prestigious awards from IEEE PCIC.
Arc Flash news

2021 NFPA 70E Major Changes
After 13 years of Employment with Electrical Safety UK Limited it is Mike’s decision to retire from the company. Mike Frain founded Electrical Safety UK in September 2004. Mike has contributed many years of experience and knowledge to the Electrical Industry.
Information news

Local Businessman Recognised In New Year’s Honours
On the advice of the Honours Committee, the Prime Minister recommended, and the Queen approved, that Mr Terence J Lowe be awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM) for outstanding service in the electrical engineering industry.
Information news

A Lifetime Of Achievement
Our Executive Chairman Ted Lowe scooped the coveted Lifetime Achievement Award at the Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber Awards 2019 Ted has spent over 50 years in the electrical engineering industry with over 40 of those at a senior management level.
Information news

An Interview With Jim Phillips, P.E., MIET
Established in 1991, The Faraday Centre is renowned for its standards in both High and Low Voltage electrical safety training. They provide training throughout a range of industries varying from domestic through to commercial and industrial.
Information news

Rotherham Apprenticeship Awards
We attended the Rotherham Apprentice of the Year awards on 20th June 2019 where our Business Administration Apprentice Safa was shortlisted for an award in her category of Advanced Apprenticeship.
Information news

Keysight Technologies Chose Electrical Safety UK To Assist Them With Their Global Electrical Safety Standard
KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES – MARKET LEADER WITH 75+ YEARS OF EXPERTISE What started in the original Silicon Valley garage has transformed into a world-renowned think tank for design, measurement, and cybersecurity intelligence research.
Information news

Merck Chose Electrical Safety UK For New Global Safety Standard
Merck, a truly global company, with around 51,000 employees in 66 countries chose ESUK to help them with their new Global Electrical Safety Standard.
Arc Flash news

Is The Biggest Risk Of Industrial Arc Flash At High Voltage Or Low Voltage?
Our analysis using arc flash voltage charts show the biggest risk may occur at a low voltage instead of high voltage. The incident energy level defines the severity of the arc flash hazard when using the IEEE 1584 standard.
Information news

Contractor Receives Injuries When Switchgear Was Not Isolated
The company employed contract workers to undertake repairs and improvements to their paper manufacturing plant when production was stopped. During this time, an employee of an electrical contractor undertook an inspection of 11,000 Volt switchgear with the authorisation of the company.
Information news

£900k Fine For Painter’s Station Roof Fall
18th April 2018 saw BAM Nuttall fined under section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work act through Croydon Crown Court £900k following an incident where a painter, working for subcontractor McNealy Brown, fell through a fragile railway station ceiling into a passenger waiting room.
Information news

Faraday Centre Become Partners With ESUK
Established in 1991, The Faraday Centre is renowned for its standards in both High and Low Voltage electrical safety training. They provide training throughout a range of industries varying from domestic through to commercial and industrial.
Information news

Mike Frain Retirement
After 13 years of Employment with Electrical Safety UK Limited it is Mike’s decision to retire from the company. Mike Frain founded Electrical Safety UK in September 2004. Mike has contributed many years of experience and knowledge to the Electrical Industry.
Information news

New EasyPower 10.0 Release
Arc flash PPE has become the default control measure and within the United States, until recently, was the prescribed control measure. However, within the UK and within Europe, this is not the case and legally (through Regulation 4 and Schedule 1 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Re …
Information news

Electrical Safety (UK) Limited Merged With Pennine Elec-Tech Limited
We are pleased to announce that, effective May 1, 2016 Electrical Safety (UK) Limited merged with Pennine Elec-Tech Limited. The combined companies will conduct business together under the name Electrical Safety (UK) Limited, with their main office in Rotherham, United Kingdom.
Information news

Electrical Safety (UK) Has Been Awarded Accreditation From Safecontractor For Its Commitment To Achieving Excellence In Electrical Safety.
Safecontractor is a leading third party accreditation scheme which recognises very high standards in health and safety management amongst UK contractors. Safecontractor is applicable to most sectors although it is particularly relevant to Food Manufacture, Oil & Gas, Energy & Engineering.
Information news

Mike Frain Of Electrical Safety UK, Speaks At SABIC Arc Flash Workshop In Jubail, Saudi Arabia
Mike Frain of Electrical Safety UK, speaks on behalf of Dupont ™ at SABIC Arc Flash Workshop in Jubail, Saudi Arabia 13th Oct 2012. SABIC is the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Information news

Mike Frain Of Electrical Safety UK Will Be A Guest Speaker At The Workwear & Corporate Clothing Show – Wednesday 17th April At Silverstone Racing Circuit
Mike will provide an insight into the electrical arc hazard, its measurement and risk assessment. Using his vast experiences Mike will simplify the approach to the process of reducing the arc flash hazard severity and of developing protection solutions.
Information news

Mike Frain Of Electrical Safety UK Will Be A Guest Speaker At The National Food & Drink Manufacturing Conference – 8th October At The Oxford Belfry Hotel.
Mike Frain of Electrical Safety UK, speaks on behalf of Dupont ™ at SABIC Arc Flash Workshop in Jubail, Saudi Arabia 13th Oct 2012. SABIC is the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the top six petrochemical companies in the world, and the large …
Information news

Mike Frain Writes An Article For The Maintenance And Asset Management Magazine – July 2012
So you’ve got your personnel in place to ensure that you’re compliant with the legislative requirements around electrical safety in the workplace. Personnel within the business don’t come in to contact with high voltage equipment so arc flash just isn’t a concern for you, right?…Wrong!
Information news

Mike Frain Was Invited To Speak At The Electrical Safety Workshop
Mike Frain was invited to speak at the Electrical Safety Workshop in Daytona Beach Florida recently after co-authoring “A European View of Arch Flash Hazards and Electrical Safety” which was published by the IEEE. The workshop took place in February 2012.